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#1 11-04-2011 17:46:10


10 d'Abril Barcelona decideix per la independència - Repercusió internacional

Catalunya, amb una participació total de 885 Mil persones desde la primera consulta a Arenys, i una massa de votants pel SÍ d'un 90 %, s'ha expresat clarament i tothom ens coneix internacionalment. Diari The Guardian:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/ap … dependence

guardian.co.uk escrigué:

Barcelona votes on Catalan independence from Spain

Pro-independence activists have asked citizens of Barcelona whether their north-eastern region of Catalonia should seek to become an autonomous state.

The Catalan capital follows in the footsteps of other regional cities, towns and villages that have held similar informal, nonbinding votes, which have given the idea of independence lukewarm approval.

Pro-independence groups behind the latest referendum said they hope to improve on the 20% turnout of previous ballots.

Maria Garcia, 79, said she voted "yes" to independence to allow Catalans greater control of their own finances. "Spain's government takes more than it gives back," she said.

Catalans are proud of their cultural identity – centered on the distinct Catalan language. The region also accounts for a one-fifth of Spain's economy but only 15th of its 47-million population.

Catalans have long maintained they contribute more than they get credit for and that central governments based in Madrid have discriminated against them.

Along with the Basque region, Catalonia was heavily oppressed under the 1939-1975 Franco dictatorship, which made it a crime to speak Catalan and Basque languages in the interest of promoting Spain as a Madrid-run Castilian-speaking country.

Successive Spanish governments have gradually granted a large degree of self-rule to the regions since Franco's death and the restoration of democracy.

Catalonia won even more self-rule in 2006 with a new autonomy charter, gaining control over judicial, infrastructure and other issues. However, Spain's constitutional court ruled in July 2010 that Catalonia could not legally call itself a nation, dealing a blow to a pro-independence campaign that had used "We decide, we are a nation" as its slogan.

The "Barcelona Decides" poll organisers said that since the first vote in 2009 a total of 600,000 Catalan citizens in 532 cities and towns have been unofficially consulted. The 2009 sample taken in 167 towns indicated 94% of voters favoured independence.

Skeptics have called the nonbinding vote an exercise in futility.

"I think the referendum is theatre put on by politicians," said lawyer Juan Jose Millan, 39. "I am not for independence, just like the majority of Catalans. Independence would not solve real problems like unemployment."

He volgut remarcar en negreta lo de "heavily opressed" per que quedi constància que no mentim...Si ho diu The Guardian va a missa!

Última edició per TirantLoNegre (11-04-2011 20:14:07)

Ramon Muntaner, Crònica, cap. CCXCVI:
«E divenres matí venc, la gràcia de Déu,de bona pluja, que pres tot Aragon e Catalunya e Regne de Valencia e de Murcia e durà entrò per tot lo dicmenge tot dia»



#2 12-04-2011 01:05:04


Re: 10 d'Abril Barcelona decideix per la independència - Repercusió internacional

A poc a poc, les altres nacions s'obriran els ulls i diran: Hòstia, no sabia que existia la llengua catalana, una lengua diferente del "Spanish" en Espanya. (Moltes nacions potents com Anglaterra, EUA, França, Alemanya, Italia i Portugal saben la nostra existència, però no volen parlar-ne ni piu).

Com va dir la núvia del meu company del pis que és de les Illes Canàries: "Madre de dios, es como una lengua diferente de la nuestra. Joder que dificil de entender!!!". Després, em va continuar de manera curiosa: "Oye, es verdad que el valenciano y el catalan son la misma" i jo li vaig contestar: "Como vosotros sois de Canarias, sabéis que vuestra lengua y la de esta peninsula son la misma lengua. No? Vosotros leéis el libro realizado por un autor madrileño y nosotros, el libro de un argentino. Igual que los norteamericanos con los de los británicos o viceversa. No?" Per tant, ella i el company del pis van acceptar la nostra teòria i van dir que volen definir "Espanya plural" (sic)

Llavors, tant la llengua euskara com la gallega i la nostra eixiran a la llum. Endavant!!!

Última edició per Pendrach (12-04-2011 01:10:24)


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