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Blaverist violence

This section of this website shows the aspect of Blaverism for which we believe it should be totally condemned and rejected: violence. As Blaverism is something non-historical, artificial, filled with lies at all levels and ultimately full of falsehoods, they have had to resort to violence to impose their postulates on a large part of Valencian society, particularly in the city of València.

October 9, 1979
October 9, 1979

Let us remember in this respect that, if they had not burned the four-barred flag of the Preautonomic Council, then official on October 9, 1979, perhaps today it would still be official. Or how the bombs sent to Manuel Sanchis Guarner and Joan Fuster (in 1978 and 1981 respectively) marked the transition and subsequent evolution of the Valencian Country, similarly to the coup d'état attempt in the Spanish state that took place on February 23, 1981. Police investigations into these latest bomb attacks have not led to any possible perpetrators. Therefore, we have no evidence to say that the bombs to Manuel Sanchis Guarner and Joan Fuster were put by Blaverists. Nevertheless, it is clear that these bombs were put on them precisely because they were Catalanists. The homemade bomb to Sanchis Guarner in 1978 was indeed claimed to have been sent by the Blaverist group GAV, as we will see below. It is also true that on Christmas 1978 a bomb was about to explode in the hands of Sanchis Guarner, who had received it as a Christmas present. He did not open the letter bomb precisely because he was suspicious of what it really was, due to the military knowledge he had acquired during his military service.

Fuster was already attacked with a homemade bomb in 1978. The two bombs against Joan Fuster in 1981 (with a total of almost two kilos of Goma-2), on the other hand, were of great power, and in fact they blew up half his house. On the other hand, the date of this assassination attempt (September 11, National Day of Catalonia), makes us clearly think that the reason for putting it on was, certainly, his status as a Catalanist in the eyes of some people. We have the sole witnesses of the three people who were in Fuster's house at that time; Fuster himself, Jaume Pérez Muntaner and Vicent Salvador:

"Fuster és un símbol d'aquest futur que se'ns vol negar i que només serà nostre amb la total recuperació de la nostra identitat; amb la recuperació de la llengua, la història, les institucions pròpies i la plena consciència de la nostra dignitat (...) l'interval de quatre o cinc minuts entre la primera i la segona explosió estava calculat per a matar". Jaume Pérez Muntaner. Diario de Valencia. October 3, 1981 [Article in catalan].

Fuster is a symbol of that future that they want to deny us and that will only be ours with the total recovery of our identity; with the recovery of our language, history, our own institutions and the full awareness of our dignity (...) the interval of four or five minutes between the first and the second explosion was calculated to kill.

"Sempre recordaré eixa matinada. Era la primera volta que anava a veure't (...). No em va donar temps a dir que sentia un olor a pòlvora, com a coets de cordà. El tro va ser enorme, ens gelà l'ànima a Jaume i a mi. tu digueres impassible: "Anem a veure, xiquets. Ja hi són" (....) els llibres travessats per estelles; la finestra destrossada; cotxes a fora fets malbé; una estesa de vidres (...). Entràvem en casa (...) quan Jaume va veure un paquet que fumejava a la finestra (...), i s'apartà el temps just de salvar-se de la segona explosió. Vaig plorar com un xiquet. Vaig plorar pel nostre poble". Vicent Salvador. Diario de Valencia. September 16, 1981 [Article in catalan].

I will always remember that morning. It was the first time I was going to see you (...). I did not have time to say that I felt a smell of gunpowder, like the rockets they throw at the Cordà. The thunder was enormous, it froze the soul of Jaume and me. You said impassively: "Let's see, boys. They're already there" (....) the books pierced by splinters; the smashed window; damaged cars outside; a laying of crystals (...). We were going into the house (...) when Jaume saw a smoking package in the window (...), and he moved away just long enough to save himself from the second explosion. I cried like a child. I cried for our people.

"Aquest atemptat ha estat molt més violent que el primer. En esclatar una bomba estàvem parlant Jaume Pérez Montaner, Vicent Salvador i jo, vàrem sortir tots tres al carrer...Llavors ens varen dir que hi havia una altra bomba (...) l'havien deixat en una finestra. Si ens quedem una estona més al carrer, on hi havia poca llum (...) no ho expliquem. Una cosa així ha d'estar calculada". Joan Fuster. Diario de Valencia. October 3, 1981 [Article in catalan].

This attack has been much more violent than the first one. When a bomb exploded, Jaume Pérez Montaner, Vicent Salvador and I were talking, the three of us went out into the street... Then they told us that there was another bomb (...) they had left it in a window. If we had stayed more time in the street, where there was little light (...) we would not have been able to explain this. Such a thing must be calculated.

Joan Fuster
Joan Fuster

Still speaking of the time of the Spanish transition and pre-transition, we will say that during this period, the extreme right was especially violent and aggressive against nationalists in the Valencian Country. It is evident that some of this violence was not carried out by the Blaverists (which did not even exist before 1977), but in a certain way, it benefited them, because it attacked their direct "enemies", Valencian nationalists. We will thus make a brief compilation of some milestones of this anti-Valencian nationalist violence in the Valencian Country during the Spanish pre-transition and transition:

  • March 26, 1971: Glass breaks in the "Tres i Quatre" bookstore, and ink is spilled inside.
  • April 2, 1971: Attack on an assembly inside the Philosophy and Letters Faculty of the University of Valencia.
  • May 8, 1973: A plastic explosive blows up in the storefront of "Tres i Quatre" and causes a fire. One million of Spanish pesetas in losses.
  • October 1973: Two Molotov cocktails against the same bookstore.
  • Mid-1975: A series of bombs devastates several bookstores. "La Pau", "Pueblo", "Ausiàs Marc" and "Lope de Aguirre", the latter of which had to close, suffered damages.
  • October 31, 1975: Riots in the Philosophy and Letters Faculty of the University of Valencia. A student is injured. Two other consecutive attacks cause three injuries.
  • April 1976: The priest Pere Riutort is physically attacked at the instigation of Ramón Pascual Lainosa, president of the Junta Central Fallera of Valencia.
  • July 1976: A bomb explodes in the Levante U.E. stadium, the night before the "Trobada dels pobles".
  • August 5, 1976: An artifact blows up in the "La Araña" bookstore.
  • August 10, 1976: A bomb destroys the "Nova Cultura" place, with losses of one million pesetas.
  • November 5, 1976: Seventh attack against "Tres i Quatre".
  • November 12, 1976: The Dean of the Philosophy and Letters Faculty of the University of Valencia, a teacher and a beadle, are attacked in the Faculty.
  • November 29, 1976: Police charge against four-barred flag carriers during the Fallas.
  • February 1977: A group of young people is attacked in Orihuela (Baix Segura).
  • Spring 1977: Bomb sent to the Alicante bookstore "Set i Mig". Aggressions in València during the Fallas week. Several injured. Aggressions increase during the electoral campaign. The headquarters of the PCPV is machine-gunned (The P.C. of the Valencian Country then maintained quite clear national positions).
  • October 9, 1977: Insults to the parliamentarians in the procession of the municipal flag, and attack on the House of Catalonia in the city of Valencia.
  • December 1977: Molotov cocktails against the company linked to various publications in the Valencian Country.
  • February 3, 1978: Blaverists boycott the colloquium at the Ateneu Mercantil de València on autonomy and the Valencian church.
  • February 23, 1978: The newspaper Som, organ of the Grup d'Accio (sic) Valencianista, appears; violent fight.
  • March 13, 1978: Irruption of Blaverist activists at the Benicarló Palace, where the Assembly of Valencian Parliamentarians met.
  • April 10, 1978: Riots during a concentration of Blaverist and Fuerza Nueva elements during the constitution of the Council of the Valencian Country.
  • May 1978: Ignacio Carrau leads a demonstration in redress to Jaume I, called by the URV, GAV, AP and Fuerza Nueva. It ends with attacks on the regional headquarters of TVE in the Valencian Country and to the house of Manuel Sanchis Guarner.
  • Summer 1978: A bomb explodes in a cinema in Alcoi (Alcoià) where "La portentosa vida del Pare Vicent" was being shown.
  • September 1978: Violent demonstrations by hooligans at football matches of the València C.F.
  • October 8, 1978: Bomb against the Aplec del País Valencià, in the València bullring.
  • October 17, 1978: A package bomb is sent to Joan Fuster's house, causing havoc.
  • October 26, 1978: Blaverist groups try to attack the Palau de la Generalitat Valenciana (siege of the Valencian regional government), and insult the president, Josep Lluís Albinyana.
  • December 4, 1978: Package bomb against Manuel Sanchis Guarner, causing havoc.
  • March 11, 1979: Assaults and shots at an environmentalist demonstration.
  • April 23 and 26, 1979: The Council decides to adopt the four-barred banner as the flag of the Valencian Country. Insults against Valencian president Albinyana at the airport, assaults on the Ministries of Culture and Labor, flags withdrawn by uncontrolled elements.
  • Summer 1979: Attacks against the participants of "l'Escola d'estiu".
  • September 3, 1979: Josep Lluís Albinyana and Manuel Girona Rubio, president of the Valencian Provincial Council, were attacked in Quart de Poblet when they attended the plenary session to request autonomy according to article 151 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978.
  • October 1979: Homemade bombs to the homes of the mayor of València, Martínez Castellano, and the president of the Pre-Autonomic Council of the Valencian Country, Josep Lluís Albinyana. Artifacts in the bullring when the nationalist meeting was held.
  • Mid-October 1979: Attacks on the headquarters of the PCPV and the Sindicat Lliure de la Marina Mercant. Alfons Cucó, senator of the PSPV-PSOE, questions the Spanish government about the climate of violence in València.
  • January 1980: The ensign of the Provincial Council is burned twice.
  • July 10, 1980: Blaverists threaten Manuel Girona at the doorstep of the València Provincial Council.
  • Autumn 1980: Assault on Josep Guia and his family.
  • November 1980: The "El Sifó" bar, in the Sea street of València, is machine-gunned. One wounded.
  • May 1981: Explosion of a device in front of the PCPV headquarters in Alacant.
  • September 11, 1981: Bomb at the house of Joan Fuster, which caused important damage and which could have killed him, had he not reacted in time.

Finally, we dispose of several outstanding documents with a high value as an undoubted testimony of Blaverist and fascist violence during the transition years: these issues of the magazine Valencia Semanal from the end of 1978 and 1979:

Within Blaverist violence itself, however, we must mention a name: GAV (Grup d'Acció Valencianista). Of obscure origins and founded in the middle of the transition, this group has carried out, and continued to carry out (until the end of the 2010s), continuous violence at all levels against supposed "Catalanists", or simply against people who they do not like.

Casal Jaume I
Attacks on Jaume I Casals are repeated frequently.

And all this, as if that were not enough, with a shameful police and judicial immunity. No member of this group had been convicted for their innumerable violent actions during the Spanish transition. There is only an exception of three events that we will show you below, and other recent convictions made in the 2010s. And not only that, but this group also boasts with impunity of his actions. Thus, for example, they gave a prize in the heart of the city of València to those who burned the official four-barred flag of the Pre-Autonomous Council in 1979. And, to culminate this shamelessness, they recently described in their magazine "Som" their "feats" of the last 25 years. Let them speak and explain them to us with their words.

The BNV (Valencian nationalist party) denounced this apology of violence and the judge who judged this case dismissed this complaint saying that the events had already been prescribed. Serious legal mistake, because what was being judged and the BNV had denounced, was the apology and not the events themselves. A new sample of the shameful impunity that this group enjoyed in one of its most violent stages.

Now, this impunity seemed to be running out for them, and so at the end of January 2006 there was the first legal conviction against the GAV for a violent act. Thus, three young militants of the JJGAV (GAV Youths) had been sentenced for the assault and robbery of the Casal Jaume I in Russafa in December 2003. Three well-known members and sympathizers of the Grup d'Acció Valencianista: Alejandro Esteve, Amalia Bonheme and José Luis Conejero were accused of this attack. This attack occurred on December 29, 2003, when they forced the gate of the Casal Jaume I de Russafa, broke the glass of the door, inspected the premises and appropriated all things of economic value and also things that they found interesting for ideological reasons. Among what the Blaverist gang presumably stole there were documents with personal data of the members of the Casal and documents from the Association of Fathers and Mothers of the Balmes Public School, such as student files, the minute book or a folder with banking extracts. Alex Esteve, former president of the GAV Youth and the other two defendants, current members, were convicted of a crime of robbery with force and "lack of damages". The conviction had the aggravating circumstance of ideological motivation and the mitigating circumstance of repairing the damage that was caused. The courts imposed a sentence of one year and three months in prison for the crime, a twenty-day fine for the offense and disqualification for exercising passive suffrage. Alejandro Esteve was also sentenced to disqualification as a director of associations. In addition, the three had to compensate ACCIÓ CULTURAL DEL PAÍS VALENCIÀ for the damage that had been caused and to pay the legal costs, including those of the private prosecution brought about by ACPV. This was the first time that Blaverists were legally convicted of violent acts.

The Blaverists perhaps suspected that this would happen to them, and just during the days that the trial was being held, they robbed the "Tres i Quatre" bookstore on January 20, 2006. On this day, in the afternoon, a group of three hooded men burst into "Tres i Quatre" shouting "No mos fareu catalans" ("You will not make us Catalans"). They were repelled by the bookstore workers, and then the attackers dedicated themselves to knocking down as many shelves as they could and breaking the panes of the showcase. They threw pieces of glass at the workers, injuring one slightly. Despite the fact that this attack took place in the heart of València and at a time when people were in full attendance, the "forces of order" did not show up immediately. In this image that we attach here below you can see the result of the destruction caused by the Blaverist attackers.

Tres i Quatre bookstore
Result of the attack by a gang of three young Blaverists to Tres i Quatre bookshop on January 20, 2006

There has also been another case of judicial condemnation to Blaverism in the 2000s. On January 24, 2008, some deputies from the ERC parliamentary group, accompanied by the main people in charge of ERPV, were going to present a book at the headquarters of the Intersindical Valenciana, a Valencian trade union, when 24 members of the JJGAV (GAV youths), who had previously met through the far-right website, turned up. This time, however, that turned out horribly for them, as they were identified by the police and each of those 24 boys received a €3,000 fine. This fine was key for the JJGAV activists to presumably stop committing violent acts continuously, as they had been doing since the summer of 2007.

Ultimately, some of the members of the JJGAV who tried to boycott the Correllengua (demonstration in favour of the Catalan language) in Gandia (Safor) on September 26, 2008, apart from receiving a few police charges, about 18 were detained and identified by the police. They also were fined €300. Likewise, Francisco Albiñana Barber, a prominent GAV activist in Gandia, faced trial in 2018 for allegedly throwing stones at protesters, one of which hit the head of the BNV councilor for l'Alqueria de the Comtessa (Safor), Maite Peiró, as a result of which she had to receive 12 stitches; and Albiñana was fined €600.

These convictions are few and minor, in proportion to the large number of violent activities carried out by the mob that we call GAV, but nevertheless, they give hope of an end to their impunity. And in this sense, we must also remember that many members of the GAV and the JJGAV have pending cases for various violent acts that we hope will be resolved soon.

However, the "Tres i Quatre" bookstore was attacked again by a group of young Blaverists on September 14, 2006. In this case, the young Blaverists (a group of approximately 10) entered and dedicated themselves to insult the bookstore workers and people who were shopping. Being harshly rebuked by the people on the street, they left, but not before throwing down a few bookshelves. Also in this case, the "forces of order" did not show up and no one was arrested.

Blaverists usually accept very badly the advance of nationalism in the Valencian Country. In this way, when there is a great nationalist demonstration, they usually make displays of rage and even violence. We had the proof on May 24, 2006. The previous May 6, 2006, there was a great nationalist demonstration in the city of València, where 50,000 to 60,000 people gathered in the march that commemorated April 25. They could not accept the evidence of the growth of nationalism, and they held an act days later, as we say, full of rage and violence, although, as always, very minoritarian.

On May 24, 2006, members of the party Coalició Valenciana, led by its leader, Juan García Sentandreu, of the GAV and the JJGAV (with its president Toni Rochina), stormed the lobby of the Faculty of Law of the University of València, under the pretext that they were going to give a conference. In total there were just over 50 to 100 people, the vast majority of them elderly. The excuse was false, since this party had been repeatedly denied authorization to give such a conference. Therefore, they knew perfectly well that they could not give such a lecture. Before the tumult that was formed, the dean of the Faculty, Carlos Alfonso, came and told Juan García Sentandreu and the people who accompanied him that they had to leave. He responded ironically and provocatively, saying that he was not authorized and the "batasunos" were, in reference to banned Basque political party Batasuna. Since they would not leave, and in the face of increasing insults and threats towards the dean, they first had to call the private "security forces" of the faculty, and then the "forces of order". In the end, the congregants left, not without seriously threatening the dean. Later, in their media and internet forums, they sold this fact as a great "victory" of theirs. As a result of these events, the dean filed a lawsuit against Juan García Sentandreu and his party. All the political forces of Valencian society without exception (except, of course, the Valencian Coalition), condemned this fact.

Assalt blaver a la Facultat de Dret
Young Blaverist sympathizers of CV and the JJGAV threatening the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of València, Carlos Alfonso, on May 26, 2006

In the Valencian Country, especially in the city of València and the l'Horta borough, threatening graffiti, attacks on bookstores ("Tres i Quatre" in the city of València has received quite a lot of them. And the graffiti in the facade is renewed every fifteen days, but other bookstores have also been attacked, such as "Tirant lo Blanc" and "La Màscara" in the city of València as well), scratched cars (or worse) for wearing a sticker that Blaverists do not like, etc., are normal altogether. This is called "low intensity terrorism" everywhere.

A derivation of this vandalism, apart from being something on the brink of criminality, can be considered the fact that Blaverists often boycott acts of groups that they consider "Catalanists". This type of boycott carried out by the Blaverists takes various forms, although the most common one is to insult the attendees. And making that they do not respect any institution. It can be said that they do not respect even something as sacred for a Catholic (and they usually declare themselves Catholic) as a mass. In another section (Blaverism and Church) we transcribe a testimony of an interruption of a mass held, according to the Blaverists, in Catalan, in the Jesuit church of València in 1979. We warn that the crudeness of this text may hurt some sensitivities. Finally, we have a direct multimedia testimony of one of these acts of vandalism and in the limit of criminality committed specifically by the GAV: the boycott of the presentation of the IEC in Sueca in 2002, which we offer as additional material in this section.

We can also mention in this section the delirious and aberrant event of the desecration of the tomb of Joan Fuster in 1997.

Finally, we will highlight that in the Valencian Country THERE HAVE BEEN DEAD NATIONALISTS. Although specifically Blaverist groups have not killed them, we can say that THEY HAVE DIED FOR BEING NATIONALISTS.

  • In the middle of the transition a militant of the neo-fascist party Fuerza Nueva killed Miquel Grau, a militant of the Communist Movement of the Valencian Country, in Alacant, while putting up posters calling for the national day of October 9, 1977.
  • And in 1993 a far-right youth group killed Guillem Agulló, a young nationalist from Burjassot (Horta Oest),''' in Montanejos (Alt Millars), when he was only 18 years old. His murderer, Pedro Cuevas, linked to the Yomus (hooligans of the Valencia C.F.), of whom we have spoken in another section of this website, is today free. Here you can find a very complete explanation about the facts of his murder and subsequent events.

And furthermore, there has been at least one other murder for ideological reasons in the Valencian Country in which Blaverism has indirectly taken part. This is the case of the murder of Davide Ribalta in 1993, singled out by the Blaverist newspaper "Las Provincias" for participating in the protests against the murder of Guillem Agulló, later threatened by far-right groups and finally murdered in very uncertain circumstances in the Kasal Popular de València by three young foreigners. It cannot be affirmed, however, that the murderers were sent by the extreme right or Blaverism, but it is evident that both ideological movements derived political benefits from this death.

And regarding the far right, it is quite clear that its collaboration with Blaverism has been important as to the Blaverist violence. In fact, as we have already seen, in many cases it is difficult to tell if we should speak about Blaverist or about far right violence. A person that shows very clearly this collaboration is the Fascist leader José Luis Roberto Navarro. This man was already arrested during the Spanish transition for supposedly puting two bombs in nationalist meetings, even though he was not sentenced. During the 90s he was specially active in violent far right groups. He could have been allegedly linked or maybe he could have run the following groups: "Acción Radical" (Radical action. This group was involved in Guillem Agulló's murder), FAS (Frente Antisistema / Antiestablishment Group) or Armaggedon. Since 2000 he is the leader of the far right party España 2000. This party has been involved in countless provocations and troubles with Valencian nationalist groups and ha boycotted or tried to boycott many Valencian nationalist meetings.

José Luis Roberto
José Luis Roberto

In November 2010 Mr. Roberto was responsible for serious incidents in the district of Benimaclet, in the city of Valencia. First, his party tried to demonstrate in this disctrict on November 20, in commemoration of Franco's death. His investment in propaganda was considerable, but the result of the demonstration was quite pitiful, with little more than 40 people, and a generalized rejection in this neighborhood, known for its tolerance and respect for newcomers. It seems that Mr. Roberto was furious about it, and on November 22 he committed a shameful act of arrogance and provocation. He showed up in the afternoon at the bar C.S.B. "Terra" in Benimaclet, accompanied by 15 boys of his party, some with skin aesthetics. They entered the place and began to insult and intimidate the people that was there at that moment (at that time about 30). He asked for a beer and the waiter refused to serve him. He then scrutinized the premises, looking for possible defects and administrative infractions. The bar managers called the police, who showed up after half an hour. The police did absolutely nothing against Mr. Roberto and his boys, who had entered the bar in a clearly intimidating attitude, but took note of the alleged infractions that Mr. Roberto said there were in the bar. They did not even identify Mr. Roberto and his companions. At the exit, alerted by cell phones and SMS, young friends of those who were inside had come to support them. And surprisingly, the police then identified these boys (which they had not done with Mr. Roberto and his companions). Days later, Mr. Roberto denounced the C.S.B. Terra for alleged ideological crime, as well as the alleged administrative infractions that he said he had seen, and in the forums of his party he threatened to return again, as well as to file complaints until the C.S.B. "Terra" was closed. As already seen in all this account, Mr. Roberto has not received any penalty or any punishment for all these nonsense that he arranged in the month of November 2010. Mr. Robert again organized an ultra-right parade in the neighborhood of Benimaclet on October 12, 2020, although this time he had to do it protected by the police and with a strong protest from the neighborhood, which spontaneously organized an anti-fascist demonstration.

We also have an interview with the father of Guillem Agulló, also called Guillem Agulló, which took place in July 2011, where he tells, among other things, how he and his family have since then suffered a systematic campaign of persecution and attacks by forces of the extreme right in the Valencian Country:

Finally, as a summary and appendix, which we believe that may be useful, we offer a small dossier where anti-Catalanist violence in the Valencian Country is systematized from the 70s to the present. The dossier is not yet available in English, but we have versions in Catalan and Spanish:


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