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What do they think about the Blaverists abroad?

One of the reasons why Blaverists should be ashamed of being Blaverists is the bad image of them abroad, in our immediate European context (beyond their beloved Madrid). Let's see what two prestigious university professors say about them in two countries as serious as France and Germany: Professor Franck Martin of the University of Saint-Étienne; and Professor Hans-Ingo Radatz of the Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg.

The first article makes some interesting considerations about the creation of the AVL, which leads the author to scientifically analyze the secessionist phenomenon.

The second, written in 1993, deals with the entry of the Blaverist political party Valencian Union (UV) into the municipal government of the city of València and the introduction of secessionist grammar and ortography in some scopes of this City Council. In the end, however, the author makes a rigorous study of linguistic secessionism and its latest motivations.

The third document, by Professor Radatz himself, is a review from 1993 of the Gramatica de la llengua valenciana (Grammar of the Valencian Language) written 1987, which reveals the scientific inconsistencies at all levels of the defenders of Valencian as a separate language from Catalan.

The fourth is another (magnificent) article by Professor Martin in which he analyzes the consequences that the last Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Country from 2006 has brought in linguistic and national terms, focusing largely on the ambiguous but dangerous terms that it contains.

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